Life Transformation


Beatriz left home at a very early age and since she worked as a housemaid for many years was not able to attend school.  Later in life though, she married and had two children with her husband.

A friend told her about our Alfalit program which is designed to help adults learn how to read, write and do mathematics.  She enrolled in our program and began studying.  All that she was learning provided her with the skills needed to enroll in a cooking course so that she could cook food and sell it to earn income.

Unfortunately, her husband abusive to her and her children, both verbally and physically. One day while attending Alfalit, Beatriz was so discouraged that she commented to a classmate she felt like taking her life and the life of her children so that they would not continue to suffer.    Her teacher overheard the conversation and reached out to hug and comfort Beatriz.  The teacher explained how Beatriz could put her trust in Jesus and He would help them.  She took that step and began to see changes in her life and the life of her children.  They began attending a Christian church and growing spiritually.

She was able to support her children and help them to study the University, where each one obtained an Engineering degree. Her son David became a volunteer teacher for Alfalit and currently has an Institute where he prepares young people for university entrance exams.

During the pandemic, Beatriz has continued working from home, preparing food, and making home deliveries. She also sews and knits. She recognizes that Alfalit was a real blessing for her life.  She learned life skills that have transformed her family but more than that she met Jesus.  He has given her hope and purpose in life.