Kenya PMM

Kenya PMM is a ministry reaching out to the unreached and unengaged communities with the gospel of Jesus in Kenya (Palm Kenya is excited to see how God is expanding our ministry to Pakistan & Egypt). Our passion is to see every individual enter into a personal relationship Christ who died for them.

Generational poverty in most of these communities has resulted in long term health problems.  The effects are seen by the presence of preventable diseases, harmful cultural practices such as Female Genital Mutilation, childhood marriages, which devalue women and children, and hunger caused by draught and floods.

Lack of education has resulted in 95% unemployment in some of these communities. Husbandry (cattle farming), traditional employment is no longer profitable due to changes in climate. Micro-economic activities, driven principally by women, have not produced economic stability due constantly searching for a better opportunity.  Hard drugs, terrorism, prostitution and other social evils are a product of these seemly impossible circumstances.

Kenya PMM expresses the Love of Christ in this context through a wholistic ministry approach.  Our Community Health Education programs provide basic training benefiting everyone. 

Our vision has expanded to include the raising up and equipping of a team of volunteers to express this love with us.  Health care kits will be used by us and our team of volunteers when visiting in homes and schools.  These kits provide health care items which are not readily available in the communities to which we travel whether it be a mid-wife attending a new birth or a visit to a school where “deworming” medication might be administered.

Kenya, PMM invites you to prayerfully consider joining our team.  First please pray as we push forward with God’s love into areas which have never experienced his love.  Secondly you could begin to include our ministry in your monthly family budget or possibly ask your church to donate to the ministry.  Finally, come, visit and see firsthand the work that God is doing through Kenya PMM.